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Holter ECG monitoring was performed after the patient consum
Holter ECG monitoring was performed after the patient consumed 180mL of sake (alcohol) each night in both the DDD-R and DDD-CLS modes. The mean HR in the DDD-CLS mode (68bpm) was similar to that (71bpm) in the DDD-R mode, but during sleep, the atrial pacing ratio (43.2%) in DDD-CLS was significantly
br Discussion We evaluated and determined
Discussion We evaluated and determined the incidence and severity of subjective reports of dyspepsia symptoms due to dabigatran. Based on the results of the RE-LY trial [4], the AE that was significantly more common with dabigatran than with warfarin was dyspepsia. In the sub-group (326 Japanese
The presence of an inflammatory infiltrate is
The presence of an inflammatory infiltrate is associated with poor prognosis in a number of malignancies, including those with a predilection for metastasis to bone. CAFs are capable of promoting, and maintaining an inflammatory environment by recruiting immune cells; in particular monocyte/macropha
br Escribir y destacar promoci n la identidad
Escribir y destacar (promoción 1975-1985): la identidad por las diferencias ¿Cómo escribir dentro de un mercado de tantos competidores para un país de escasos lectores? En México, ni siquiera los estudiantes de la universidad consumen libros y hay más papelerías que librerías (Zaid 2013: 143-154
HIV counselling and testing is the essential first
HIV counselling and testing is the essential first step to accessing HIV care services and is also recognised as an HIV prevention strategy because knowledge of HIV status reduces risky sexual behaviours. A reduction in the number of sexual partners has been reported, but not a significant increase
National coverage trends were accelerated because of
National coverage trends were accelerated because of the contribution of trends in the two poorest quintiles. In middle-income countries, for example, the estimated increase in national trends was around 25% faster as a result of the contribution of poor populations. Increases in coverage in rural a
These studies demonstrated that the levels of essential mine
These studies demonstrated that the levels of essential INT-777 cost in healthy pregnant women were significantly different from those of the general population. There is a need to evaluate more pregnant women, especially from different races, for the purpose of establishing specific normative level
br Conflict of interest br Disclosures
Conflict of interest Disclosures Acknowledgments Patient presentation A 64-year-old male with a history of a right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) ablation presented from an outlying hospital due to four recent episodes of non-exertional syncope. He had three
In this context in Heather Zar and
In this context, in , Heather Zar and colleagues report findings from the first study to assess the accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF in young children presenting to a primary-care facility with symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Primary analysis was done in 309 children in whom four samples (two induced s
En cualquier caso sabemos que esta pol tica admonitoria
En cualquier caso, sabemos que esta política admonitoria del Corpus obtuvo resultados abundantes que refrendaron la inserción beneficiosa de altas dosis de tremendismo en una catequesis ya no necesariamente diáfana. Incluso contamos con las huellas de una recepción defectuosa del sacramento que llev
br La desaparici n de
La desaparición de los aquechistas Las prácticas contrainsurgentes desatadas por el conflicto interno guatemalteco de la administración del general Kjell Eugenio Laugerud García (1974-1978), golpearon purchase Cefotaxime sodium salt diversos actores de la usac. Ejemplo de ello fue el asesinato de
Esta institucionalizaci n penetr en la sociedad
Esta institucionalización penetró en la sociedad, por lo que sus integrantes fueron apartándose de las prácticas políticas que pudiesen identificarlos como comunistas. En la etapa posdemocrática, el uso de palabras como filocomunistas o pro-comunistas, convivió con la instauración de los gobiernos e
br A modo de conclusi n La re visi n
A modo de conclusión La re/visión que se ha propuesto en el presente escrito recoge el sentido que le da Adrienne Rich al término: revisar es volver a mirar desde un posicionamiento crítico en un presente, desde el que se tiene una perspectiva (temporal) de cómo ha sido la suerte del fenómeno que
Although no GWAS results have been
Although no GWAS results have been reported so far from Asian populations, the candidate gene approach identified SNPs in 4q25 and 1q21 as being associated with AF in Asian populations [19,20]. Conflicting data are reported in terms of 16q22; it is associated with AF in Chinese Han [37], but not in
Aside from distinct technical approaches
Aside from distinct technical approaches used, the well-established RANKL and RANK expression patterns in the bone further substantiates the expression patterns defined in the current study of OS. RANKL and RANK play major roles in bone metabolism due to the critical role of this pathway in osteocla
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